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Ferol Porter - Gen's Grandmother
Getting ready to go to a BIA school, standing with her brother Merton (and brother Nelson in the background) 1918

Ferol Porter with Brother Merton

Celine Rose Matt's (Gen's Mother) Wedding to Robert Huitt

Celine Rose Matt's Wedding
The Pastor, Duane Matt (Celine's brother) Robert Matt and Celine Rose Matt) 1953

Celine Rose Matt's Wedding

Celine cutting her wedding cake

St. Ignatius, MT
Where Gen grew up

Gen and "Tonto"
When she was 15 she met Jay Silverheels at the UofM Coyote Indian Club (where Gen later became secretary of the club)

Gen Senior Portrait Highschool
In St. Ignatius Mt

Gen at U of M playing guitar
In her dorm room

Gen Graduation Day

Gen Graduation Day with Degree
From University of Montana

University of Montana Degree

Ferol and Dewey Matt's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Ferol Matt
Celebrating her 50th Wedding Anniversary

Dewey Matt

Gen in Paris
America's Youth in Concert Tour, where she got to sing for the Pope. 1973

Gen and Ulsula Jacquet in Lindau, Switzerland
She sang and taught in classrooms in Rhiench

Bear Tracks (Gen's son) and Ulsula Jacquet

Gen's Uncle Bidda Matt
But was like a brother to Gen, she brought him to the first Indian Woodstock in Yakima Wa., 1976

Gen with Chief Dan George
He was in the Movie "Little Big Man" and Gen was happy to meet him at a conference in Havre, MT.

New York Concert Ticket
Put roosavelt hotel pic after this

Playing at the Roosavelt in NYC

On Movie Set - "Come and Get Your Love"

Gen Playing On Stage in Switzerland
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